
All assets that are used in Nordi Living are free for personal and commercial use.

Images & Videos

All images and videos used in Nordi Living come from Unsplash, Pexels, and Freepik, and are free for personal and commercial use. Below you can find links to selected images used in this template.

Image 1 - Image 2 - Image 3 - Image 4 - Image 5 - Image 6 - Image 7 - Image 8 - Image 9 - Image 10 - Image 11 - Image 12 - Image 13 - Image 14 - Image 15 - Image 16 - Image 17 - Image 18 - Image 19 - Image 20 - Image 21 - Image 22 - Image 23

Image 1 - Image 2 - Image 3 - Image 4 - Image 5 - Image 6 - Image 7 - Image 8 - Image 9 - Image 10 - Image 11 - Image 12 - Image 13 - Image 14 - Image 15 - Image 16 - Image 17 - Image 18 - Image 19 - Image 20

Video 1

Lottie animation

On homepage Nordi Living Template is using Lottie animation that comes from Lottiefiles and is free for personal and commercial use.

Link to the animation


All icons used in Nordi Living template come from an open source icon library - Remix Icons. Meaning they are are free for personal and commercial use.


Nordi Living Template is using two additional fonts, called Poppins and Open Sans. They can be downloaded at Google Fonts and are 100% free for personal and commercial use.

Other assets

Any other assets that were created by Wavesdesign during the process of designing the template are free for personal and commercial use